This show is hosted by Advanced Therapeutic Solutions for Anxiety's summer intern Iris Li (she/her), a senior from Wellesley College majoring in psychology and chemistry. Our special guest, Mark Reinecke, Ph.D., ABPP, ACT joins the show to talk about his experiences in the field of clinical psychology and tells fascinating stories about his journey, research, and clinical work. Read more about Dr. Reinecke here: Educational Journey (00:57) Q1: Could you please tell us about your educational background and how you made the decision to do psychiatry/clinical psychology?
John Flavell:
Walter Michael:
Alan Fogel:
Jerry Gruen:
Aaron Beck:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT):
Working in the Clinical Field (12:35) Q2: How much do you emphasize the Attachment Theory in your practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
Q3: Is there a way to form secure attachment during adolescence or young adulthood if they missed the chance during childhood?
Attachment Theory, John Bolwby, and Mary Ainsworth:
Q4: What is the most different thing between working with children, adolescents, and adults with mental health problems?
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT):
Q5: What are some mental health disorders that are so difficult to treat that we can regard them as the “cancer” in the mental health field?
David Clark and panic disorder:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Q6: Could you tell us about the personality disorders in children and adolescents?
Personality Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence:
Q7: Why is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) so prominent in all kinds of psychotherapy?
Evidence-Based Treatment:
Q8: What is the best part of your clinical experience?
Q9: As you work with patients, how are you taking care of your own mental health?
Evenly hovering: Professional Development for Students (32:50)
Q10: How do you think students should prepare themselves before entering grad school?
Q11: How important is it for students to get publications before applying to grad school? Future of Mental Health (37:36)
Q12: How can mental health improve in the Asian community?
Q13: Where is the future of the mental health field?
The Internship Crisis: