Professor Eleanor Bourke AM (Chair of the Yoorrook Justice Commission) and Aunty Geraldine Atkinson(Co-chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria) in conversation with Angela Singh (IPAA Victoria Board member and Regional Director at the Victorian Department of Education) answer audience questions from IPAA Victoria's International Women's Day Celebration.
How do you find the personal strength to stay involved in discussions and hear
stories that are incredibly important but that must often also be deeply traumatic?
What does treaty mean to you and how will it change the work you do? How does Treaty and truth-telling impact you every day?
How do you advocate for inclusive cultural change?
What advice can you give to non-First Nations colleagues on how to best support First Nations colleagues?
What are some barriers you all face, as a woman, and as a First Nations person? How did you overcome them?
I am interested in the panels’ views on the Voice To Parliament and the challenge to make sure the conversation about the Voice is not divisive across the country.
As First Nations female leaders, what is one piece of leadership advice that you received that made a difference for you that you would like to share?
Who has inspired you in your leadership journey? And why?
What is the panels advice for young women, looking to make their substantive mark in public or public service life or in the community?