Sarah and Irma head to San Diego to sit with Angela Chee, former TV news anchor, media strategist, and communication coach.
Angela helps you own your power and your voice and ‘amplify’ your message through speaking, video, and media.
In this episode, you will learn…
-How to own your voice and be Clear Confident and Connected on and off camera
-Mastering your message and performance
-Your message is bigger than your fear
-How to identify your boundaries – giving yourself grace
-Be prepared before you are ready
-Learn to ask for help and build your support system
-If you are starting anything new, you are not starting at zero
-Remember to celebrate and be joyful, embrace the feminine
-Create a system that honors where you’re at
Be sure to visit her website for more info on coaching and to read her blog go to and follow her @angelacheetv on all social media platforms
Be sure to sign up for her FREE 7 Steps to Confidence Clarity and Connection!!