Welcome home! The most toxic words that can break a woman or a person in general are " What goes on in this house...Stay in this house." The recipe for failure, Today episode is all about owning that our houses has been filled to capacity with emotional trauma, physical trauma, and spiritual trauma that just keeps our bodies (houses, I hope you didn't think I was reference a physical house. If so you are in a treat for today's show.) stagnate energy. Today's episode will share more beauty codes as we flow deeper into our divine feminine core so, sit back, relax with your favorite drink and meet me over on Instagram to speak more about what goes on in this house - https://www.instagram.com/houseofbeautyify
As gift to you House of Beautyify would like to share 100+ must read books to help shape your life in different areas, download instantly- https://mailchi.mp/acbebab1a47b/houseofbeautyify 🎼Better Days by Lakey Inspired
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