In this exciting installment of PStC the guys talk about Lara's abrupt character arc in the new Tomb Raider, discuss evolving game review scores, and somehow end up on the subject of movies that made them cry as children. Check the machismo at the door and prepare to get your cry on now, on Push Start to Continue.
And to our awesome community, if you have suggestions for topics for future episodes, let us know! If you want to hear about it, we want to deliver it!
And just because Jesse likes to see Mike cry, here's some emotional clips from Homeward Bound!
Alright, fair is fair. Here's the scene from Land Before Time that made Jesse cry like a lost little girl....
There. Now no one is happy anymore.
Indie Game Spotlight: DLC Quest and Live Freemium or Die by Going Loud Studios
Pick it up on Mac, Steam, or XBLA!
If you want to check out that prison sim game Mike was talking about, Prison Architect, here's the link to the Steam Store page.
Music courtesy of...
Intro: Densmore by Anamanaguchi
Interlude: Oringinal Music from DLC Quest
Outro: Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Geruda Vally by SuperGuitarBros
Got questions or comments for the crew? Hit us up on Twitter!
Jesse: @Id10t_Savant
Mike: @Off_The_Wally
Also don’t forget to check us out, subscribe and rate us on iTunes!