I'm not gonna lie, things went off the rails fast and never got back on track. This episode isn't everyone. Hell, it may not be for anyone. Also, this show is long. The first 45 minutes are about one topic, then the next hour is about something else and finally we actually cover some AOWF stuff after that. Lots of random guests, lots of stories, and general bullshitting.
Donrsquo;t forget that you can leave comments here (or leave questions for Raizzor!!!) on the blog or email us at [email protected]. Rob thrives on feedback, you know how much he loves to hear how great he is.
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PwaRadio
Direct Download Link: http://pwaradio.com/podcasts/episode99f.mp3
Remember that bit last week where I said I was submitting to iTunes? Yeah, I did that.
iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=276398331