
Q&A 18 – The Field of Possibility

06.12.2023 - By Alexandra AmorPlay

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Our minds love what they know. But did you know that when we’re searching for answers to life’s problems there is another place to go for answers other than our minds. It is a field of possibilities that holds infinite fresh thinking and creative ideas that contain the answers to our questions.

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Transcript of Episode

Hello explorers, and welcome to another Q&A; episode of Unbroken. I’m your host, Alexandra Amor. 

Today I want to talk about the field of possibility. There’s that great quote by Rumi that I actually included at the end of my memoir, and it goes like this: 

Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field, I will meet you there. 

To me that, quote speaks to the disagreements that we have in life and the conflict and how there is a place where we can simply exist in love with one another. A place where we can set down our differences and just be together, with one another, and not have our opinions and our thoughts and our beliefs, and the other things that drive us. We can set those down and just be together. And I love that.

What I wanted to share today has to do with the other way that I think about the field of possibility.

This has to do with when we’re trying to resolve an unwanted habit like over eating.

Lately, more and more, I recognize how often the opportunity is presented to me to turn to that field of possibility when I’ve got a problem or a challenge or a question in my life. Until I came across this understanding no one had ever introduced this idea to me. And a few episodes ago, I described it like we are swimming in the sea of Universal Intelligence. And that’s, of course, absolutely true.

And I just saw this idea of the field of possibility this morning while I was writing in my journal, and it’s really just another way to point toward this place where we can go to for answers.

Looking for Answers

So in my life personally, anytime I come across a challenge or an issue, something I want to resolve, maybe some sort of disruption in my life, or today when I was working in my journal I was thinking about an unsupportive belief that I have. And the inclination that my or the habit, I guess we could say that my mind goes to the thing it automatically does is it tries to really dig down and really get its hands around that problem. In this case, the unsupportive belief and hold on, hold on to it really tightly and examine it from all kinds of different angles.

* What does it mean?

* What does it mean about me?

* Where did it come from?

* Where did it originate?

* And where else do I see it showing up in my life.

And in the past, I would have said that that kind of examination was really the way to go, really the helpful thing that would help me to resolve that unsupportive belief. Now I see it completely differently.

I see that my mind wants to do all those things. And it does do some of them, it starts to wander away and chew on that, and really grapple with whatever’s going on. And then as often as I can, I try to remember that there’s another place to look for answers to things.

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