We sat down with Prof. Paul Miller, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) & Anti Racism Adviser to QMU's Principal, Sir Paul Grice, to talk about inclusive leadership.
What does it mean and how does it apply specifically to QMU?
In his role at the University, Paul is providing advice and guidance on the further advancement of equality, diversity and inclusion and fostering an anti-racism culture of understanding.
This podcast recording is part of a range of initiatives across Queen Margaret University to highlight and communicate the work being undertaken by Paul in his role as DEI & Anti-Racism Adviser to the Principal and the activities of QMU's Equality and Diversity Committee and the Race Equality Steering Group.
In May this year, QMU launched its first Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing (DIW) Calendar, reflecting each month on key social justice themes. The calendar highlights key dates, related events and activities taking place both at QMU and in the wider community, as well as articles and reflections contributed by staff and students.
The calendar is designed to act as the focus of communications, events and initiatives associated with its themes, which for this month of August is all about Fostering an Inclusive Environment.
Paul Miller's appointment to QMU: https://www.qmu.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2022/20220601-paul-miller-appointment/
QMU's Equality and Diversity strategy: https://www.qmu.ac.uk/about-the-university/equality-and-diversity/
QMU's Diversity, Wellbeing and Inclusion calendar: https://www.qmu.ac.uk/media/5lhbvhwh/qmu-equality-calendar-2022.pdf