Tracy Timm, quarterlife career coach and career clarity catalyst speaks with Kelsey this week about her quarterlife crisis story and tells her about the Olympic athlete analogy. Some of us are built for the pool, while others of us are built for the track and how you can compare this to your work environment. We worry so much about what is wrong with us and what we should be doing better when really it’s not about that all. It’s just that we’re simply competing in the wrong race altogether. Tracy recommends to not immediately start applying to jobs right away but to determine exactly what it is you were built for, and start defining where you add maximum value. She recommends that you avoid Indeed, LinkedIn and job boards until you know with confidence and clarity what it is you want, instead of what it is you don't want. Kelsey learns how to take stock with a life audit in 8 areas in her life: physical, emotional, social, professional, financial, spiritual, environmental and intellectual. Kelsey ultimately hears Tracy's two biggest pieces of advice: make sure you talk with others to get help, and that once you have an idea of what it is you want to do, to then strategically share your vision with your network so people can help clarify your vision and help put the puzzle pieces together.