Sunday Worship for December 1, 2024, from Queen Anne Lutheran Church in Seattle, our 10:30 service—Pastor John Michael Barich; Cantor Kyle Haugen; Morris Northcutt, trumpet; Mei Le Smith, violin.
Prelude—Prayer of St. Gregory, Alan Hovhaness (1911–2000) • Introit—Psalm 25:1-3a, 4a • Gathering Hymn—Hark the Glad Sound, ELW 239 • Candlelighting—O Come, O Come, Emmanuel , ELW 257 • First Reading—Jeremiah 33:14-16 • Psalm 25:1-10 • Second Reading—1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 • Gospel—Luke 21:25-36 • Sermon—Pastor Barich • Hymn of the Day—The King Shall Come, ELW 260 • Distribution Anthem —Light Dawns on a Weary World, arr. David Cherwien (b. 1957) • Sending Hymn —Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending, ELW 435 • Postlude—First variation on WACHET AUF for trumpet and organ (Wake, Awake for Night Is Flying, ELW 436), Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713–1780)