Episode Summary
In the early days of July 2021, A 19 years old gay boy named John after meeting a supposed gay man online was kidnapped in Igando, Lagos. This episode of Queercity podcast seeks to understand the situations surrounding the kidnapping and death of 19 years old gay John. QueerNerd @OKTimileyin would guide this narrative with the help of John's partner, John's Friend and another community member. John didn't deserve to die for being gay, or the horror of him bleeding to death after his parents paid 60,000 naira ransom. It's over 2 weeks since his death and burial, and we can't stop asking if his violator would ever get persecuted ? or this is just another "random gay gist".
Who killed 19 years old John in Lagos ?
Executive Producer : Queercity Media and Productions @Queercitymediaandproductions
Producer : Olaide Kayode Timileyin (@OKTimileyin)
Voice over : TransgenderGirlfriend
Background Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Childlike is available on all major streaming platform @Censodd
Website : Queercitypodcast.com
Instagram : @Queercitypodcast
Twitter : @Queercitypod9ja