The Bible is God’s literal word recorded for us! In light of that, what should we do with it? In this episode we discuss why we should read and study the Bible and get into some practical tools of how to do it.
Acts 17:11: Importance of knowing and examining the Scriptures
Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12: The sword of the Spirit
Luke 24:45, John 6:63: the Holy Spirit provides insight into the Word
Study Bibles: ESV Study Bible by Crossway, Reformation Study Bible (ESV) by Ligoniers, Faithlife Study Bible (NIV)
Commentaries mentioned: Matthew Henry, John Calvin, Warren Wiersbe, Bob Utley, John MacArthur
Other resources:,,, Strong’s Bible Concordance, LOGOS Bible software, Youversion app,
Background - authorship, audience, historical context
Personal paraphrase - what do you think this means?
Questions and Answers - what arises from the text, ie. doctrine, definitions, words used
Cross reference - read the references noted, what does it say
Insights - your own, commentaries, other believers
Personal application - what is your personal takeaway, what is God saying to you or asking you to do?
Title and summarize for future reference - begin building a personal commentary as you study God’s wordPlease submit YOUR questions by emailing [email protected] or DM us on Instagram @questionsontheway.
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Thank you for listening and hold fast!
Closing music: “Dusty Hills” by Ketsa is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA