This shiur was given over during the Zoom chaburas during Sefirah in 5780 (2020)! (& of course, there is always more to add..) Learning through the topic of Music, & during ספירת העומר, in addition to conversations I've been זוכה to have with many of the גדולי הפוסקים about this topic specifically. (In addition to a very simple but important חידוש, which is really a basic yesod in psak that we've discussed in this shiur, etc.), ובפרט with one of the אב"ד of Yerushalayim, הגאון הגדול מורינו הרב זלמן נחמיה גולדברג זצ"ל, the son-in-law of מרן הרב שלמה זלמן אויערבאך זצ"ל, & להבדל"ח with מורינו הגאון הגדול הרב אביגדור הלוי נבנצל שליט"א, the Rav of the Old City and a תלמיד מובהק of מרן הגרש"ז אויערבאך זצ"ל, amongst other poskim.