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In which Toby finds Jerry and procures a set of keys.
In which Toby watches a sunset.
In which Toby spots a hippopotamus.
In which Toby sees a thing of interest and ends up broadcasting late.
In which Toby decides to attempt something new. He then decides to attempt something newer.
Hello everyone.
Nothing to report. Just another week in the wasteland.
Be safe out there.
Hello everyone.
I had some trouble finishing this due to some rats chewing the power cable to my command console. The bastards bit my baseball bat in half too. Apparently they used to be smaller.
Be safe out there.
Hello everyone.
This episode is a bit darker. But only a little, Like, the hour after sunset. I mean, there's a very dark bit at one point. But it passes.
Stay safe out there.
"I think I've figured out how to open a can of beans with two paperclips, and a small dog." - Toby Jenkins.
Toby Jenkins tries again. With moderate success.
The podcast currently has 11 episodes available.