Leaning into the ancient wisdom that ‘practice makes perfect’ nursing educators are increasingly embracing approaches such as simulation and competency based education that provide students with low-risk opportunities to practice skills. You might even say that the ‘see one, do one, teach one’ framework has evolved into ‘see one, do one, debrief, get assessed and do it again.’ But while research shows these hands-on methods lead to increased patient safety and better clinical outcomes, they can be challenging to implement as we’ll learn on this episode from April Rowe Neal, PhD, RN, the graduate nursing simulation educator at Winona State University College of Nursing & Health Sciences. “It can be hard for a lot of faculty because it's not necessarily how we've all been trained, right? You have to take more of that ‘guide on the side’ role rather than having all of your lecture notes perfectly typed to deliver to your students,” she explains to new Raise the Line host Kelsey LaFayette, DNP, Senior Content Manager at Osmosis from Elsevier. On the plus side, Rowe Neal thinks these methods build a partnership between the learner and the teacher. Find out why that happens, learn how her program uses scaffolding to set students up for success and get Rowe Neal’s take on the role of mindfulness for medical learners and providers in this insightful conversation.
Mentioned in this episode:
Winona State University College of Nursing & Health Sciences