Do you have the courage to have a $100,000 sale or $1,000,000 day? Lean in to that and realize, are you getting scared just thinking of all those zeros in place?
My goal for you as the power player that you are is that you walk away with a framework, with a way to determine what exactly is holding you back from getting the level of results that you desire. Because if you can’t think and believe in having it – an obstacle is surely present.
More often than not, that block is unconscious until you become aware of it.
Join me and let's delve into an important topic: 3 Mistakes That Will Keep You STUCK at 6-FIGURES ▶️
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:04:15] Why more strategy is not the answer
[00:10:51] Only 6% of all businesses created ever cross the million-dollar mark
[00:13:28] Power Principle #1: You got to stop playing the waiting game
[00:16:53] Greater results require greater levels of courage
[00:17:16] Power Principle #2: Your current level of comfort is robbing you of your results
[00:19:32] What are you doing today to become the person who makes millions in their business?
[00:20:29] Power Principle #3: You're afraid to take more risks
[00:22:33] It's time to start flexing that courage muscle again
[00:25:48] Link arms with people who are operating at a level you only dream of
#courageconversations #millionairementor #milliondollarbusiness #businessstrategyforwomen #legacybuilding #shamecatankerson
ARE YOU READY to take your business past 6-figures a year to 6-Figure Months? Keep reading...
This is How You Can Work With Me:
Option 1: Game On! LIVE Event | November 8th - 11th | Las Vegas | Investment: $2500 (VIP) This is an intimate business breakthrough event for high-level entrepreneurs. Register at
Option 2: Apply to Join PROXIMITY a hybrid 1:1 and group Mastermind | Book your call here
Option 3: Join SuperNova Sales School to up-level your sales, content, & lead gen game. Inside this powerful community you master the art of creating 6-figures fast at
Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too.
Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales.