So today's question comes in from Carly. Basically she would like to know the legalities of home ed. How we got started, who we had to inform and is there any support from the council etc...
So listening to this back there are a couple of patches of interference where I forgot to put my phone in airplane mode. Just written below for you what was said in them in case you can't make it out.
*We've had 5 years to build up to it I suppose because we knew we were doing this since Hermione was born.
**Their kids are flourishing and socially fantastic.
***We run a youtube channel as well, which is not like this kind of thing.
****Just a really lovely child isn't she? Do you know what I mean? She's turned 5 last week, well, this week really.
So I hope we have managed to answer that for you.
Let me know what you think. If you have any questions do get in touch. I'm @Caz4500 on instagram. You can find us on facebook here and we even have a youtube channel documenting our Home Education Journey.