Accidental Experts with Bryce Hamilton

Raising Happy Kids; Insight from Todd B. Kashdan, PhD of the Wellness Lab

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In this enlightening episode, we dive into the world of raising happy and resilient kids with the dynamic Todd Kashdan. Todd, a renowned author of five books and a leading figure in the field of clinical psychology, brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. After earning his Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2004, Todd founded the Well-Being Lab at George Mason University. His lab has produced over 225 peer-reviewed journal articles on well-being, resilience, psychological flexibility, meaning and purpose in life, curiosity, and managing social anxiety. Recognized among the top 1% most cited scientists in the world, Todd shares invaluable insights on fostering happiness in children.

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Beyond his professional accolades, Todd is a relentless exerciser who enjoys steak, whiskey, and Italian rainbow square cookies. He is a twin, the father of twins (plus one more), and has a grand vision of populating the world with great conversationalists. Join us as we explore Todd’s unique perspectives on parenting, well-being, and the secrets to raising happy kids.

Latest Book: The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent & Defy Effectively
NEWSLETTER: Provoked (for ideas on optimizing well-being)
Professor, Department of Psychology
Founder, The Well-Being Lab
George Mason University

Check out our video chat here!

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