don't know why I was led to record this. I speak from my heart with love. Life in general isn't easy, and you may be feeling empty or as if no one innerstands you. Trust in divine timing. Everything will be okay. Sometimes, we need space to just heal rebuild and learn from mistakes. The hardest part is not repeating the same cycles and innerstanding that when we see the warning signs " red flags," how to disengage and with respect. To yourself always first and to the mirror that stands before you.
Let me ask an honest question: When you see your partner, do you see a quality in them that you lack in yourself?
What can you improve so not only the reflection can be true that both will hold that quality and magnify to something so magical when you build together?
What stops you from becoming the protector in a healthy way?
Woman, what stops you from being nurturing without being overbearing and a mother to that man? "He has a mama." he doesn't need two!
What stops you from being truly the best version of the divine feminine masculine dynamic?
These are questions you can meditate on and journal.
See where you can improve
And if you don't want a relationship, what holds you from being honest. You will be respected so much more if you can actually be honest.
Luv β‘ Luna