Charle Peck is a social science high school teacher with over 15 years experience in the education field. Additionally, she is a Certified Personal Coach and Speaker who specializes in improving the lives of families and teens by helping people realize their own strengths and empowering them to make positive changes in their lives.
Her credentials consist of a Bachelor of Science degree in Individual & Family Development, a Master’s degree in Education K-12, an Honor Specialist in Family Studies and also has training in the mental health field. Additionally, she was recognized with the 40 Under Forty Business Achievement Award in the Niagara Region in 2011 and continues to grow across international borders.
Charle has been speaking to both small and large groups on topics related to stress management, challenges facing teens such as communication with parents and unhealthy relationships, and personal financial management.
Her audiences have included staff members and leaders in diverse industries including healthcare, small business, corporate, non-profit, parent groups, health and wellness industries, nursing, education, and membership organizations.
Additionally, she has trained health care specialists in the area of Atypical Child Development, which counted as continuing education credits.
Through constant research and frontline experience, Charle has realized that arming teens in recognizing their unique brain-based behavior is one of the most powerful tools in helping them successfully transition into young adulthood. She also believes that parents and other significant adults in their lives need to have this information too as they have more of an influence than they may think.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- What to do about the decline in self-reliance among teens
- How to teach teens to learn about themselves
- Why most adults aren’t asking teens the right questions
- Where to get the latest research related to teen psychology
- Finding out what your child needs by listening to them
- The importance of face to face positive feedback for teen development
- Self-soothing for teens, a practice that enables future success
- How the teen brain works and how to adapt to it
- What teens now face and worries them about the future
- The TOP approach to conversations for getting the desired result
Ways to contact Charle:
- Dr. Stan Kutcher: