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Welcome to the Army Flashcards Ranger School Podcast! This is episode 10, Ranger Handbook Chapter 9- Military Mountaineering. In this episode we cover the all of the important concepts associated with conducting mountaineering operations in the Arm. The various mountaineering topics covered in the Ranger Handbook are training and planning, terrain classification, task organization, rescue equipment, mountaineering equipment, ropes and cords, webbing and slings, anchors (artificial, natural, and tensionless), knots terminology (running end, working end, standing end, bight, loop, overhand knot, half hitch, pigtail, turn, round turn, and dress) knots (to include square knot, round turn with two half hitches, double figure-eight know, end-of-the-rope clove hitch, middle-of-rope clove hitch, rappel seat, rerouted figure-eight knot, figure-eight slipknot, munter hitch, prusik knot, and bowline knot), belays (body belay, mechanical belay, ATC), climbing commands, rope installations, rope bridges, one-rope bridge, z-pulley system, and rappelling.