Learn how Geoff is building his company Raw Media
Founded in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 2011 with the goal of providing consumers a better home theater experience at an affordable price. During the past few years many startups have come and gone but quality and customer service has made us an anchor in the industry and the standard in performance.
Raw Media devices do not need to be “Jailbroke” or “rooted”, they come standard with Kodi Media Centre, formally known as XBMC.
After extensive market research and focus groups, Raw Media put together a media centre that echos what the consumer wants. Incredible speed, ease of use, compact size and our legendary remote control. “We dont want our clients to be restricted in use, we left the box raw and unrestricted.” This means you will be able to install thousands of free apps like skype, play games, open and edit documents and spreadsheets, surf the web, send and receive emails, add external peripherals such as webcams, mics, printers, card readers, digital cameras, KODI aka XBMC and much more.