Episode 6 features more news from the world of Raspberry Pi, some new/updated products, upcoming events, several Pi projects including a ferris wheel timelapse, some Harry Potter projects and a tea-bag dunker plus several Crowdfunding campaigns.
You can subscribe, via RSS/XML, to future episodes by visiting the feed here. The Podcast is also published on iTunes but there’s a slight delay for Apple to catch up!
A script for this episode is available here.
I’ve decided to only do an audio version from now on – video editing takes up so much time and I was finding that my laptop would turn itself off during rendering due to overheating!!!
Here’s a direct download link: Episode 6
Podcast notes and links
Pixel for PC/Mac
LibreElec review
Digital Making Curriculum
JustBoom AmpHAT review and RasPi.TV review of audio boards
RainbowHAT / AndroidThings
GPIO Hammer Header
The Pi Hut’s retro gaming bundle
NatureBytes nature camera
RTk.GPIO – physical computing on PC/Mac/Linux
SmartPlantPi from SwitchDoc Labs
Berlin Ferris Wheel timelapse
Bateleur / Table Mountain
York Hackspace Table Tetris
Wooden Jukebox with blinkies
The Last Gun
Adventure Time BMO
Smart Alarm Clock
Motion-activated burglar cam
The Daily Prophet
Harry Potter Magic Wand
Bomb Squad robot
Top Project: Tea Dunking CD drive