Connection is what that really matters. Make sure your communication CONNECTS!
Hi, I am Dr. Rati Chandna, a queen to a king & mother of two teens. I am internationally certified Child psychologist, motivator, Master Practitioner, certified nutritionist, author and an educational counselor. I help people discover how to fuel their bodies through the power of holistic development to improve overall emotionally & physically by transforming lifestyles. I work as a facilitator to develop connections through communication. I believe, INSTEAD OF WORKING HARD, WE SHOULD WORK WITH HEART SO THAT WE CAN INFLUENCE PEOPLE & HAVE AN IMPACT IN THEIR LIFE. CONNECTING WITH GOOD COMMUNICATION IS THE ONLY KEY TO SUCCESS PERSONALLY & PROFESSIONALLY.
Nearly two decades of experience as a communicator & educationist, I have transformed as an enthusiastic social innovator.
I have spent many years working with children & parents as a Child psychologist, Speech Therapist, Speaker and I practice Conscious Parenting that helps people to have joyful parenting. I believe in giving a lifestyle whose by-product is HAPPINESS.....