Devi Ward is an internationally recognized Tantra and Female Sexuality Expert, Certified Tantric Healer, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Tibetan Tantric Dakini of the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage, and one of the first Westerners qualified to teach the Secret Tibetan Five Element Sexual Tantras, which stem from a 2,600 year old lineage of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. She is an Author and the Host of “Sex is Medicine”, broadcasting live every Thursday and Saturday at 7pm PST, on Contact Talk Radio and
Her personal journey from Stripper, to Monk, to Tantrika enables her to call upon her own experience of profound life transformation through Tantra and sexual healing. As a survivor of sexual abuse, Devi provides down-to-earth, experience-based insight into the areas of sacred sexuality, spirituality, Tantra, and sensual empowerment for women. She has had extensive training in Non-Violent Communication and has been facilitating Meditation and personal growth workshops since 2000.
Devi has been featured as a Tantra and Female Sexuality Expert in countless articles, and over 30 different radio and television networks world-wide including; Playboy Radio, Men’s Health Magazine, CBS, NBC and Rogers TV.
Find out more about Devi Ward at,, and