In spring 2020, REACH Educational Solutions produced the REACH Fireside Chats for educators around the world to enjoy. To our surprise and pleasure, hundreds of educators, community support members, and parents joined our chats regularly. These chats featured educational experts such as Dr. Pedro Noguera, Dr. Lisa Delpit, Dr. Chris Emdin, Dr. Tyrone Howard, Dr. Gary Orfield, Dr. Gilda Ochoa, Dr. John F. King, Jr., Dr. Beverly Tatum, Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, and many more. When we ended the Fireside Chats for the summer, as the pandemic eased a bit, our audience inundated REACH with requests to begin offering the sessions again. Never to disappoint, we are now bringing the REACH Fireside Chats: The Podcast to our loyal audience!
Here, you will find an elevated version of the Fireside Chats. The program’s format will feature experts from the field of education, social sciences, and activists. Each podcast will feature four segments.
Segment 1: What Do the Experts Say? - features Dr. Monica George-Fields reviewing a chapter from a pre-selected book that educators may be interested in using with their staff.
Segment 2: The Experts Corner - features either an interview with the author of the book/chapter, a video of that author discussing the book/chapter, or other data sources aligned with the topic of the book/chapter.
Session 3: The Round Table - features a group of educators, community-based support staff, and topic-related experts. Dr. George-Fields is known for her quick wit and sarcastic humor, so expect this segment to feature fun tell-tales of current and past stories, questions, and comments that entertain the audience.
Segment 4: Monica Said - features Dr. Monica George-Fields providing her thoughts about a current event that may impact the world of education, student support, families, and communities.
The Podcast closes with highlights of the upcoming episodes and invitations for audience participation. Subscribe to the podcast and perhaps you will make it into the Zoom room where the show happens.