Amidst the complex emotions that of course I’m experiencing and certainly bearing witness to while navigating the realities of the current uncertainty precipitated by COVID 19, one of the most common threads I can discern is a well-intended but despair-filled sense of, “but what can I DO?” “I’m not DOING enough.”
And this DOING, and this enoughness, that need for identity has been one that has caused a lot of struggle and confusion and inefficiency. Comparison too.
So when my friend and former Ready Enough Podcast guest, Staci Jordan, shared a Medium post on Facebook called “Mapping our Social Change Roles in Times of Crisis,” it rang a LOT of bells and ticked a LOT of boxes.
I found myself bringing into my coaching conversations, and into my group program called Your Impeccable Impact. It’s been so helpful to guide people into an understanding of where they, you, I are best suited to serve in THIS current situation, context, and season. And once we see where we are best suited, we can dive on in and not feel the need to wear all the hats or capes. But we MUST fill our role as best we can. We are all needed. That’s my rallying cry.
So in this episode of Ready Enough, I am joined by the author of this amazing article, Deepa Iyer. Deepa is a Senior Advisor at Building Movement Project and Director of Solidarity Is, a project that provides trainings, narratives, and resources on building deep and lasting multiracial solidarity and sustainability of social change ecosystems. Iyer is a South Asian American writer, lawyer, strategist, facilitator, and activist whose areas of expertise include the post 9/11 America experiences of South Asian, Muslim, Arab and Sikh immigrants, immigration and civil rights policies, and racial equity and solidarity practices.
And so in this episode, we dig into her framework from the “Mapping our Social Change Roles in Times of Crisis” article, how the Imposter Complex shows up when we’re navigating these roles, how the Imposter Complex shows up for Deepa, and what went into her writing her book, We Too Sing America.
Find full show notes for this episode here.
More from Deepa Iyer:
Solidarity Is
Solidarity Is This Podcast
We Too Sing America
@dviyer on Twitter
More from Tanya Geisler:
@tanyageisler on Instagram
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