【エピソード概要 / Episode Description】
In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow Coach, Katie Hurd. Katie is an American, from Olympia, Washington. She is a bilingual Tokyo-based Transition Coach with a strong background in learning and development in a variety of industries in foreign and Japanese organizations. She is passionate about helping people raise their self-awareness to work and live satisfying lives across cultures. Katie first moved to Japan in 2006 to study in Aichi and has since moved back twice, once as an English teacher and again for a corporate job and her spouse. Now a mother of a 2-year old, married to her Japanese partner of 10 years, and having started her own business this year, Katie is no stranger to transition. Katie helps people outside of and in Japan to weather life transitions with more ease and come out stronger. She has helped clients move to Japan, coached students uncertain about the future, new mothers who are considering returning to the workforce, but who are struggling to renew their confidence postpartum, professionals working towards promotions or planning global careers, business owners, those who feel burnt out in Japan and more.
【How to find & connect with Katie】
Check out Katie's Homepage: https://homeinjapan.com/about Follow Katie on these platforms:
・Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homeinjapan_katie_hurd/?hl=ja
・Facebook (Home in Japan): https://www.facebook.com/HomeinTokyo
・Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiehurd/
・Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJLxWVVvWDQTAGraplUyP7Q?
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