In this week's episode, I talked about Governor Greg Abbott removing and lifting the Texas mask mandatory rule and the fact that he wants to open EVERYTHING 100% by March 10. I gave my opinion in this episode as I think it's definitely dumb of him to remove the mandatory rule of one of the most effective ways to slow down the spread of the coronavirus - a way that actually works. Because of Governor Abbott, Texas is now the biggest state in the US to lift the Covid-19 mask mandate requirement. Please have the common sense to still take the safety precautions as the coronavirus is getting worse and don't ease up on taking all safety measures as only 6.57% of Texas is vaccinated which makes 93.43% of Texas not fully vaccinated. Many medical professionals have stated the global pandemic is FAR FROM OVER and now is not the time to relax after a full year of the pandemic in the US. Remember to ALWAYS WEAR YOUR MASK, NO MATTER WHAT GOVERNOR ABBOTT SAID because wearing a mask DOES help prevent your risk of getting Covid-19 (and it is also COMMON SENSE to not be dumb).
Please look at some of the links down below that include more information about the mask mandate lifting as this change was definitely recent, initiated on Tuesday, March 2.
Governor Abbott Removing Mask Mandate for Texas:
Leaders Petition Against Governor Abbott: