Goals should be specific.
"Get rich" is a terrible goal because it is too broad. "Retire by 50" is a measurable, tangible goal because you can picture it now (and if you can't, I'll help you..)
Turn 50; have a wicked party,
Achieve financial freedom,
Stop work altogether OR work to your own schedule; 1-2 days a week,
Dine out,
Buy a boat,
See Taylor Swift perform live,
Do whatever you want because your time is your own and you have the financial freedom to do so.If you are interested in some or all of the above, please check out this episode that addresses the systems, structures and methods to put into place early - in your 20s and 30s - that will see you shake off the shackles of the grind by age 50.
#financialplanning #retirement #goalsetting #swifties