Jimmy Leo resides in the northern suburbs of Tampa Bay with his fiancé Kelly Slaven, & his youngest daughter Emily. He has been professionally entertaining and connecting with audiences for over 25 years and professionally educating for 15. His clientele has included the New York Islanders, Steinway pianos, JetBlue airlines, and more.
Currently serving daily as a classroom educator, Jimmy connect with young adults educating, facilitating, and speaking about creativity, personal development, positive outcomes, and points of wealth.
His Creativity enables him to educate and entertain at schools, colleges, and corporations. Whether his message is on catapulting Creativity, embracing points of wealth, or powerfully adjusting outcomes, Jimmy’s innovative approach to audience connection and interaction leaves his audiences energized.
A published author of “Get Quotivated! 166 quotable insights to catapult your creativity”, Jimmy has also filmed instructional DVDs on performance and presentation skills as well as written numerous articles on the arts, marketing, and psychology of performance and creativity. He has delivered presentations from New York to Las Vegas and many locations in between. Humorist, Speaker, Coach, and Educator, Jimmy Leo will engage and connect with you in OUTSTANDING, and at times, hilarious ways that will have you achieving desired OUTCOMES.
Jimmy Leo is focused on helping his clients reduce the stress in their lives and offers a 10-Week Stress Reduction Program.
Jimmy Leo website: OutstandingOutcomes.net
Jimmy Leo email: [email protected]