Accidental Experts with Bryce Hamilton

Recess Revolution: Student Well-Being is Counting on It with Janie Hovatter

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 This compelling episode of Accidental Experts, host Bryce Hamilton dives into a groundbreaking initiative that’s changing the landscape of education. We explore the success story of Garland R. Quarles Elementary in Virginia, where Principal Janie Hovatter implemented an innovative approach by adding four recesses to the school day. This simple yet powerful change has led to improvements in academic testing, school attendance, teacher retention, and student behavior—even in a school facing significant challenges like extreme poverty and a high percentage of English language learners.

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Bryce passionately shares this inspiring story and invites educators and school leaders everywhere to consider how similar strategies could benefit their schools. The episode highlights the positive outcomes of this initiative and emphasizes the potential for transformative change in the educational system.

Tune in to discover how extra recess can make a big difference in student and teacher well-being and how you might implement similar changes in your own schools.

#EducationReform #RecessRevolution #SchoolImprovement #StudentWellbeing #TeacherRetention #AcademicSuccess #InnovativeEducation #KansasCitySchools #EducationalChange #AccidentalExperts #KidsNeedToMove #BehaviorModification #SpecialEducationIsEducation #ThingsYourSchoolBoardNeedsToKnow #InvestInKids #ReccessEqualsSuccess #RecessIsLearning #JoanieHovatter #GarlandRQuarlesElementary

Show Notes:

The research is solid related to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical benefits for students and actually for teachers, too.  The ability to get outside and rejuvenate energy is key.

Here are the researchers I am studying with my dissertation:

1.   Global Alliance for Recess

2.  Pasi Sahlberg, author of:  Finish ED Leadership

3.  Pasi Sahlberg and Wililam Doyle, authors of Let the Children Play

4. Anthony Pellegrini, author of Recess:  its Role in Education and Development

Other researchers on recess include:  

Gao, Z., Chen, S., Huang, C., Stodden, D., & Xiang, P. (2017).  Investigating elementary

school children’s daily physical activity and sedentary behaviors during weekdays

Journal of Sports Sciences, 35, 99-104. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1157261

Gray, P. (2013).  Free to learn: Unleashing the instinct to play will make our children

happier, more self-reliant, and better students for life. New York, NY: Basic 


Jarrett, O. (2002).  Recess in elementary school:  What does research say? (Report

No.EDO-PS-02-5). Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and

Improvement.  Retrieved from ERIC database.  (ED466331)

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