With great pleasure and gratitude to all my listeners, I am happy to announce that Episode XI: Time to Act is the last in the “Reclamation of Self” series.
It’s titled "Time to Act" because it urges and encourages taking action towards change in a positive direction. Also, it discusses how to surrender and align with universal energy and flow naturally to find self-love, peace, true happiness, and purpose. It also recommends using the “baby-steps” strategy towards achieving the life of our deepest heart's desires.
Again, thank you for your support throughout the entire journey of the “Reclamation of Self” podcast series. It has been life-changing and an honor to have been a source of encouragement and inspiration to others in this space. Thank you, and see you on the next new video podcast series coming up soon. It is to be called “Our Social Numbs and Wrongs,” so keep a close watch on this space.
With my love and gratitude, until next time, bye for now.