Part 3 of J.C. Ryle’s Thoughts for Young Men holds General Counsels to Young Men. The fifth counsel in this section looks at the importance of Scripture.
He says, “For another thing, determine as long as you live to make the Bible your guide and adviser.”
To Ryle, owning a Bible is important but merely owning a Bible serves no purpose if you don’t read it, “Determine that you will not only have a Bible, but also make time to read it too.”
He then briefly outlines how these young men were to read their Bibles:
- Read it with prayer - asking the Spirit to grant grace to “make you understand it.”
- Read it reverently - paying mind to it being the very word of God and being “sure that every practice in your life which is contrary to Scripture, is sinful and must be given up.”
- Read it regularly - Ryle reminds us regular reading of the Bible makes one, ‘mighty in the Scriptures’. We are encouraged by Ryle where he says, “Texts will rise up in your hearts in the moment of temptation; Commands will suggest themselves in season of doubt; Promises will come across your thoughts in the time of discouragement”
Ryle concludes by saying, “I dwell on these things more because this is an age of reading. Of making many books there seems no end, though few of them are really profitable.”
What would Ryle think of the number of books being published today?
He finishes with a challenge to put God’s Word first and warns of reading bad books saying, “Take heed what you read. I suspect there is more harm done to souls in this way than most people have an idea is possible.”
A final help for measuring other reading material, “Value all books in proportion as they are agreeable to Scripture. Those that are nearest to it are the best, and those that are farthest from it, and most contrary to it, the worst.”
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Intro created and performed by Isaac Johnson