I know what it feels like to hate going to work on Mondays.
I call it...The Sunday Scaries.
Are you exhausted? ✔
Are you burnt out? ✔
Do you hate your job? ✔
Do you live for Fridays? ✔
I hear you shouting YES to all of the above!
So how do you do it? How do you stop dreading Mondays if you can’t stand your job?
Before I dive into some action steps, let’s stop for a second and evaluate…
Why do you hate your Mondays in the first place?
Why do I hate going to this job?
What about this job isn’t fulfilling to me?
To help you get clarity with these questions, I highly recommend journaling your way through these questions. (You can get our career journal here)
Okay, now let’s get into some things you can do to start bringing joy into your Mondays again!
Connect with Jena
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