Anthony Haynes writes: 'Being passionate' has become a cliché of management speech - but in the case of Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher (CEO, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health), the culture of coaching is genuinely a passion.
Our conversation explores, in the context of IOSH's culture, the relation of coaching to a range of concepts - notably
- empowerment
- learning culture
- learning from each other - informally as well as formally
In the process, we consider the significance of inclusion, psychological safety, reverse mentoring, feedback, and reflective learning.
IoSH website:
Further listening
We hope you found this episode a rewarding listen. If so, you might particularly enjoy the following:
Thanks to Harry Chalmers for the music and Bart Hallmark for audio editing.
Finally, what we do
FJ Wilson Talent Services provides recruitment and talent development services and also coaching for individuals.
We specialise in professional roles at mid or senior level, Our core market comprises organisations for professionals - typically membership bodies, learning providers, and awarding bodies.
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