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Hello everyone! Welcome to Episode Zero of our new series on Redeeming the Time: The Kingdom.
Before we get going on what the Kingdom is in the biblical sense, we need to address something very important: the modern usage of the term and our common conceptions of it. It turns out that what we think about the Kingdom might not actually be what the Bible means by it… Listen to find out what that means!
Launching with our new series means it was time to get some official theme music. Starting with this episode, you’ll hear “Furious Freak” by Kevin MacLeod as the new Redeeming the Time theme!
All other music comes from who also made our previous intro music, “Limousine.”
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You're listening to our John finale on Redeeming the Time.
In this episode, Tyler talks through the theme in John's Gospel of side characters wrestling with Jesus' identity. Almost everyone "on camera" in John's Gospel has something to say about who they think Jesus is, and the end result is a whole book about the discussions and debates about Him.
What this effectively does is put the ball in the reader's court, asking them what THEY think about Jesus. There are numerous possible answers, but one of them has to be the right one, right? True, and that's what John appears to be arguing for in his Gospel account.
Note: Tyler mentioned that he would talk about Nicodemus later on in the episode, but never did because he never wrote it into his notes. Dork. We can platform off of that though and give you a challenge. Tracking with what we know about Nicodemus, first seeking out Jesus in the middle of the night, then quietly (and ineffectively) defending Him in the presence of the Pharisees, go and read John 12:42-50. Nicodemus isn't named here, but it totally fits his story. How do you think this passage fits the whole theme we're looking at?
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Redeeming the Time is back with the second-to-last installment in our John series.
Tyler starts by giving a brief summary of the content we've covered so far:
1. Jesus is here to create something even cooler than the Law
2. Jesus is the new Moses and is greater than the ancestors (2 Episodes)
3. We’ve explored what John thinks about Jesus and His Divine Identity in the intro passages about “The Word”
4. John has pounded into the book the theme of truth, and distinguished between those seeking it and those who treat truth with indifference
5. In step with his theme of truth, John has “called in” 7 witnesses to Jesus’ identity
6. John also has made it clear that Jesus is One with the Father, and that Oneness is the goal of Jesus’ very presence on earth.
7. John has tied everything together with a theme of “Light,” which serves several metaphorical uses in Biblical literature
The new content in this episode is focused on *7* uses of the Divine Name (in Greek, "Ego Eimi" or "I AM") in these verses in John:
i. John 4:26
ii. 6:20
iii. 8:24, 28
iv. 8:58
v. 13:19
vi. 18:5
Tyler then talks briefly about an entirely separate set of *7* uses of the Divine Name coupled with a characteristic or purpose (I.e. "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.")
i. “I am the Bread of Life” 6:35
ii. “I am the Light of the World” 8:12, repeated 9:5, referenced in 12:35-50
iii. “I am the Sheep Gate” 10:7
iv. “I am the Good Shepherd” 10:11
v. “I am the Resurrection and the Life” 11:25
vi. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” 14:6
vii. “I am the True Vine” 15:1
While each of these should be studied on your own time and in their own context, our purposes in this series have been about major themes and recurring patterns in the book of John, so the overarching usage of these statements are what Tyler examined. And these statements do have a very special meaning when grouped together, especially because they are wrapped up in the ribbon of the number 7, giving the whole theme an echo of the abundant peace of Sabbath Rest.
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In this special edition of the Redeeming the Time podcast, Tyler sits down and talks intimately about the latest crisis, whatever that me be. You see, they're all the same. So sit down with your favorite drink and give it a relaxing listen. In this episode you'll hear:
-How to deal with fear and anxiety over the situation at hand
-How to avoid anger at other people and the current crisis
-How to avoid being misinformed and manipulated
-How to shine the light of Jesus on the internet, not spread hate and unknowingly malicious content
If you want to learn more about social media manipulation, watch this playlist by Smarter Every Day. Destin is a genius and he changed the way I look at social media forever, allowing me to make sure that I'm not being part of the problem online. Playlist :
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You’re listening to another episode of the Redeeming the Time Podcast! In this episode, Tyler discusses the theme of “Light” in John’s gospel and how it relates to prior biblical metaphors.
Tyler referenced a guy named “Tim Mackie” in this episode, but didn’t say who he was. For those of you who don’t recall from previous episodes of the show, Tim Mackie is a scholar whom Tyler is minorly obsessed with, and one of the guys behind The Bible Project. Check out their content at
The article which Tyler referenced vaguely near the beginning was the Master’s Thesis by Scott Davis which can be read at
Tyler was wrong about the writing of Jeremiah; it was written in the 7th century B.C. He also managed to be wrong about the writing of Isaiah as well (go figure, you get a 50/50 chance and you’ll always guess wrong on the internet…). Isaiah was written prior to Jeremiah, in the 8th century B.C.
Tyler’s Article “The Significance of Christmas can be read at
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Merry Christmas, from everyone at Redeeming the Time!
On this week’s episode of the Redeeming the Time Podcast, Tyler’s here to talk about another theme that runs through the Gospel of John. Jesus talks a lot about the idea of “oneness,” especially referring to His own relationship with God the Father before the foundations of the earth. Why does Jesus talk about this so much? What does it matter to us? How does it fit into the rest of the story? Tyler answers all these questions and more in this week’s episode.
One important point in particular is how it fits into the story of the book of John. John follows a pattern much like any good plot, which is part of why it feels so modern, and every good plot has a scene at the end of Act II which acts as the “inflection point” for all the themes in the story. John is the same way. If you want a summary of what the whole story is about, you need to find that scene, and in John, that scene is John 17. Combining this definitive scene with the crucifixion (which Tyler doesn’t mention in this episode, but it will definitely be coming soon), we can understand the big picture of both what John is about as well as the entire Biblical story of God’s rescue plan.
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In this episode, Tyler talks about the pattern of witness and testimony in John's Gospel. Like many patterns in John, the author has built this idea around the number 7, citing 7 witnesses that testified to the nature and person of Jesus Christ. But that's not all to be found when it comes to witness.
What Tyler didn’t mention about the Beloved Disciple’s witness was his intimacy with Jesus. Take a look at how the beloved is intimate with the Jesus at the last supper: he’s given the primary seat of being on Jesus’ lap. Also notice that, if Baukham is right and the anonymous disciple in chapter 1 is indeed the beloved, then the beloved is one of the first if not THE FIRST to go to wherever it is that Jesus was living. The focus of that passage obviously isn’t whatever Jesus’ living conditions are, it’s that the disciples, Andrew and the Beloved, got to share a special novel connection with Jesus.
Richard Bauckham’s Book, “Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John”
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On this episode of the Redeeming the Time podcast, we’re exploring the theme of “The Truth” in John’s Gospel! The truth is possibly THE theme for the book, so it’s important we get it nailed down.
The article that Tyler quoted from is which he highly recommends you read for yourself. Andreas Köstenberger’s work is incredible!
Tyler also recommends this source as additional reading, including the comments down low:
Finally, the Gospel of John Movie that Tyler referenced again is which is an AMAZING watch if you want to notice patterns in John’s Gospel.
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In today’s episode of Redeeming the Time, Tyler reads how John 1:1 calls Jesus “The Word,” and then he tries to explain that concept without committing major heresy, which proved to be rather difficult. However, it’s well worth the trouble of figuring it out because it takes the huge concept of why Jesus came to earth and uses a perfect metaphor to simplify it for our tiny human minds. All this and more in today’s adventure into the book of John!
Here’s the link to the John movie Tyler talked about. It’s worth mentioning that watching this movie helped Tyler to notice the patterns that he’s now teaching on in this series. More on that in a future episode:
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In this episode, Tyler talks about the pattern of the ancestors that turns up in John. On three separate occasions, the authority of Jesus is challenged against different patriarchs of Jewish faith, and each time He takes the cake.
The verse Tyler was trying to reference was Hebrews 5:12-6:3. Because it's his luck, 4:17 doesn't even exist. Go figure.
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The podcast currently has 20 episodes available.