The global pandemic has tested the fortitude of humanity while simultaneously highlighting our ability to overcome, support, and selflessly give. Those who educate our future generations epitomize what it means to truly live all of these verbs.
Our guest today, Eden Lavy is a grade school teacher. Eden took on the new responsibility of division coordinator, right before the first wave of Covid-19, and never imagined how important her role would be of keeping teachers, students, parents, and communities together and informed so they can continue to live with positivity, growth, and kindness.
In this episode, Eden shares how the unfortunate events of 2020 dramatically changed her day to day work — and how teachers like her are helping kids understand and cope with the pandemic. On the show, we also talk about how kids can continue to keep themselves motivated during these challenging times and how all of us can continue to serve, even without a professional title of teacher or educator.
This podcast is brought to you by Service First and produced by Hueman Group Media.
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