Spring is a natural time for clearing out old dirt and clutter. We do this for our houses and even for our bodies, but how often do we do it for our minds?
In the same way you might cleanse your body of physical toxins and waste, you can also cleanse your mind of mental toxins like bitterness and unforgiveness.
If left to fester, these poisons can eventually destroy their containers, like acids of the mind. To replenish our energy and regain our balance, we have to stop feeding off of mental “anti-nutrients” like perfectionism and the need to always be right.
Spring is the perfect time to de-clutter our mental space. Not only will this restore us psychologically, but it can help restore us physically as well. The body is just downstream of the mind, so in clearing out and detoxifying your mind, your body will follow.
These 8 tips are cleansing for everyone, but they are especially freeing for those of us stuck in chronic, unhealthy eating and self-care patterns.