The regenaissance is a renaissance of regenenerative activity on planet earth. For millions of years, nature's systems operated though a system of self regeneration which created the thriving garden of eden we knew as our world during the Holocene. Unfortunately humanity has lost sight of nature's wisdom and technology. We've built our world on a paradigm of extraction and degeneration which now threatens to destabalize our civilization. Much like the People of Europe during the original renaissance, we must return to the knowledge and techniques of the past in order to return to a period of prosperity. The difference will be that this time we aren't returning to the wisodm of our recent past, but rather to the much more ancient wisdom of the entire regenerative biosphere. In doing so we can transform humanity into a regenerative keystone species that will restore and improve the planet's health and biodiversity to levels before now unseen. We have the oppourtunity through modern technology, synthetic biology, design science, and systems thinking to make humanity a massive environmental contributor to the planet's future. We have the chance to transform the meaning of the anthropocene from the negative epoch of death and degeneration we presently imagine it to be, into a period of unprecedented growth and prosperity for humanity and all life. We will build it on the generalized principles that have fueled the success of life and the universe itself. Comprehensive big picture thinking will be key. The regenaissance will be the next great chapter in human history.