Today is an introduction to a 4-part deep dive (well, 5 if you count this intro). It’s a workshop-in-a-podcast learning series on the the four elements of air, fire, earth, water, what we can learn from them about creating new systems and structures around education.
The goal of digging into the elements here is to view ourselves and our work in education as part of a LIVING SYSTEM. Not part of an industry or a factory, which is no secret that’s how we operate! We know this. We see it. We dwell on the problems!
What we’re talking about here is a way of connecting to paradigms outside of industrial, extractive, colonial, capitalistic paradigms to see if there’s something here we can learn about setting up these new systems. We deal with education here in this Regenerative Ed Podcast, but, I often get folks saying, hey, this applies to the food system or the healthcare system or the personal systems I use in my household. Yes, yes! Definitely it does.
We are in an age where it’s clear as day that the old systems aren’t working and we’re looking at what to do differently. I’m suggesting here that there are an infinite amount of things we can look to for inspiration, which is what we do on this podcast. In this series, we are focusing on the four elements. We’ll talk about science, we’ll talk about symbols, we’ll talk about cultural phrases, we may even dip into the cosmos.
NOTE: I am not an expert in the elements! I am a human being with a history of experiences, many of which involve the educational system and textile systems, and I simply can observe patterns and connect them to ways to be in these new systems that has proved helpful for people. There’s no capital T Truth here! Take what works and leave the rest. Add to it and create your own.
Next week, we’ll start with the air element!
I’ll see you next week to chat more about movement, currents, music, libras, and what it all has to do with education. Come and join us for this workshop-in-a-podcast format, wherever you are, whenever you are.
For full transcript, you can head to the website.
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