Brian Sager is a polymath and serial entrepreneur who has taken on fields as varied as biotechnology, clean energy and music. He most recent venture, Omnity, uses machine learning, and is in position to take on the challenge of searching and connecting the rush of data being produced in our digital world. Every day 10,000 new scientific papers are published, just in English, and other fields are also producing data at an extraordinary rate. No human being in any field can possibly keep up with all that new knowledge production. Most authors are aware of less than 1 percent of information related to their topic and yet most innovation comes from connecting up insights across multiple fields. Artificial Intelligence has arrived just in time to augment our human brains and help us master that explosion of knowledge and consequently accelerate innovation in every industry and every field. Sager’s company has harnessed the potential of AI, realizing that “We need to respect the fact that we can’t do everything a computer can do, but we also need to respect the fact that a computer can’t do everything that we can do. We need to combine those together, and that combination I think… it’s becoming more and more obvious to a lot of folks and that is a broad framework of augmented reality, augmented innovation…”