LEADING: first being a trustworthy follower of God as leader of your life (see below for following); then acquiring or receiving authority, developing or receiving a vision and giving shape to it, and then in entrusted stewardship, shepherding & guiding a group within or toward that vision, with competence & excellence (showing, teaching, persuading, training, empowering, affirming, and disciplining as necessary to get buy-in), setting the example through action & sacrificial serving.
FOLLOWING: loving the leader (and all that entails), heeding (give attention to the leader and their goal, purpose, & means), submitting (consent to their authority, trusting in their decisions & enforcement), and obeying (be or act in accordance to the goal and means).
0:00 - a quick recap of the previous episode on Power & Strength and recap explanation of the Unpacking process; an introduction to this concept of Leading & Following, including original wording, underlying meanings, and related concepts.
43:08 - working through the summary of what we learned going through the relevant Scripture passages about the step by step process of what leadership entails.
1:31:08 - working through the summary of what we learned going through the relevant Scripture passages about the step by step process of what following entails, especially as it pertains to our culture today and to what to do if our leader is leading poorly.
2:42:46 - some specific suggestions on how to be a good leader; final thoughts and wrap-up.