There's a right time to meet someone but there's also, definitely, a wrong time. And, that is when you haven't allowed enough time to heal from the last relationship. Fear of abandonment is a very common reason for self-sabotage and other behaviours that don't serve us. Heartbreak causes us to put up walls / feel numb and subconsciously not let people close. The simple reason for this happening is that you're not emotionally ready, yet. The quickest way to get over someone is to allow yourself to really feel the sadness of the grief of them not being in your life anymore. Hint, jumping back on the dating apps to help mask the pain only prolongs it and/or causes the pattern of break up to happen again. Anxiety is often a symptom of a deeper emotion (fear, shame, guilt, etc), and it's our responsibility, and ours alone, to figure out what's down there.