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By Jon R Anderson
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The podcast currently has 39 episodes available.
Cindy Wang Brandt joins Jon R Anderson to discuss her new book: “Parenting Forward”. Many of the commonly accepted parenting practices of Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers were actually harmful to their children, leaving them with heightened challenges in relationships and greater difficulty navigating their environment in a way that is loving, kind and just. The ideas discussed here are crucial for parents raising babies and toddlers, and continued to be applied for life.
In Episode 32 I interviewed my oldest daughter, Abby, with “Daughter Tells All”. This is the second episode of me interviewing my children. More specifically, I interview my middle child, and only son, on what I did right and wrong as a husband and a father..
Dr. Alison Cook describes how different parts of our selves can get in the way of enjoying healthy relationships. However, attempting to silence these voices only makes matters worse. The key is to give them attention and place appropriate boundaries on them. Alison Cook, MA, Ph.D, is a counselor, speaker and co-author of “Boundaries For Your Soul”.
Tod Jacobs and Peter Lynn, co-founders of the David Robinson Institute in Jerusalem, discuss with Jon R Anderson the idea that giving sets the foundation for 4 pillars that hold up the roof of a great marriage. This idea led to their co-authoring of the book “Not A Partnership”. Tod and Peter also bring a fascinating perspective to the ancient Hebrew meaning of what marriage is.
Brian McLaren, the speaker and author of several bestselling books, discusses how our desire to have certainty gets in the way of truly loving others.
Jon R Anderson and his guest, Ted Lowe, discuss how we make marriage more difficult by not paying attention to 4 core details. Ted Lowe is the Author of “Your Best Us” and “Married People”.
Jon R Anderson, and his guest, Dr. Darrell Smith, talk about how some of our misgivings, about our faith, can interfere with how we relate to one another, especially our spouses. Darrell Smith, a pastor for over 20 years, is the author of “Faith Lies: Seven incomplete Ideas that Hijack our Faith and How to See Beyond Them”.
Jon talks to his daughter, Abby Jennings, about what he’s done wrong, and what he’s done right, as a husband and father. At almost 30 years of age, Abby is Jon’s oldest daughter and the Administrative Director for Growing Love Network. Abby has been married for over six years and is the mother of Jon’s first grandchild.
This episode is part 4 of a 4-part series called “How to Have Lifelong Love”. This episode should be listened to AFTER Episode 30 - The Relational Economics of Power Struggles - which is part 3. In this episode Jon R Anderson describes How intimacy happens, with or without sex, how we can like our spouse more, and how to communicate well through everything from conflict to having a date together.
This episode is part 3 of a 4-part series called “How to Have Lifelong Love”. This episode should be listened to AFTER Episode 29 - Key Elements of Lifelong Love - which is part 2. In this episode Jon R Anderson describes How attempting to avoid relational bankruptcy, as opposed to building relational wealth, makes marriage worse. He also shows us how we can solve every disagreement we have with our spouse, and, shows how compatibility is so often misunderstood.
The podcast currently has 39 episodes available.
48 Listeners