The Whole Stepfamily

Releasing Who You're Not So You Can Be Who You Are: Interview With Sacha Van G

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What do astrology, shadow work, authenticity, core purpose, vulnerability, sobriety, and stepmoms have in common?

In this spunky and off-the-cuff episode with special guest Sacha Van G @sacha.enlivened, we allow our conversation to take us on an unscripted and raw journey of passion.

Sacha helps multipassionate women refine their CORE PURPOSE BLUEPRINT via Ancient Esoteric Wisdom & Modern Science; aka, Human Design, Astrology, Gene keys, Manifestation, Psychology & Philosophy. Her highest value is LIVING WITH PURPOSE & her purpose is to HELP WOMEN REFINE THEIR PURPOSE in the world.

Throughout this episode, you'll discover

  • How astrology can be used to integrate the parts of yourself you'd rather pretend didn't exist...
  • Why stepmoms can fall into the trap of doing everything for everyone else, but not receiving the love they long for
  • Where energy gets wasted, and what the consequences are of wasting this precious resource
  • What I feel like I had to give up in order to break up with alcohol and live a life of sobriety
  • Why my stepson has earned the title of my Greatest Spiritual Teacher

Follow Sacha on Instagram @Sacha.Enlivened

Book a free 30 minute consultation and let us help you get your life back

Or try our 7 Day Stepfamily Stress Detox guaranteed to reduce stepfamily stress by at least 20%

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The Whole StepfamilyBy Brittany Lynch

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