In this epic lunch hour break, the Mightiest prophets of Eternity talks about the authority of Jesus Christ to Jude sin. They start with a scripture John 5:39-40, this scripture, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees about his authority to give life and to judge sin, In other words, his deity. Yet, the Pharisees were so consumed with their legalist viewpoints. As a result, missing the Christ Jesus. When Adam fell in the garden, we all become spiritually dead. The only person who can remove us from this spiritual death is Christ Jesus, else, a man stands the judgment of God.
The Mightiest Prophets also read John 9:39-40, Again putting emphasis on the fact that without him the whole world stands Judged. However, those who will listen to him, follow, accept him, and the one who sent him will be healed and be given life. The servants of the Lord went ahead and talks about John 3:16-17 with emphasis on verse 17. Additionally, talking about the need to Only Jesus Christ have the authority to give life and to judge sin.
In summary, The Lord Jesus Christ came with maximum authority to give us life and to judge sin. Whoever follows him, listens to his words, and puts them into practice will be healed and have eternal life as stated in 1st Corinthians 15:50-55. And those who will disobey and disobedient as well as arrogant will be put to condemnation. The Messiah is coming and it time to put Jesus as your number priority.