In this episode we celebrate World Day for International Justice 2021. On 17 July 1998 the Rome Conference, negotiating the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was closed and the Rome Statute, creating the ICC, was open for signatures and ratifications. It finally came into force in 2002 with 60 ratifications. It now has 123 state parties and it is dedicated to prosecuting the most serious of crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes, and Aggression. Some day soon we might add the crime of Ecocide to the list.
In this episode, I talk with Dr Alessandra Cuppini about expressivism as a justification of the ICC and International Criminal Law. We have a long conversation about retributive and restorative justice, and how expressivism can complement to them. I enjoyed this conversation, and I hope you will too.
You can find out more about Alessandra by visiting her LinkedIn profile Leave us a comment if you want to continue the conversation about our talk. I am Marjan Ajevski and I am the Research Fellow at OU Law School. Take care and hope to see you again.