#16: EMPOWERMENT for Aligned Living, Success and Balance
Empowerment is truly a well-practiced dance.
Let go of fear, doubt, and all of life’s stress,
instead give power and authority to your success.
To empower is to self-bless,
As empowerment is the energy of becoming more confident and fearless.
Release the pressure of perfection and enjoy the practice,
as empowerment takes intention and time invested to complete the process.
Have fun, stay curious, and exude finesse,
empowerment comes from trust and ease, not hardcore press.
As you uncover your truth and your desires are expressed,
remember to become empowered, requires a strategy, not a guess.
Stay positive, resilient and most of all consistent,
employ healthy boundaries, say no, and seek wisdom in all experiences sent.
To self be a trusted confidante, reliant and celebrate your independence,
share your knowledge with others, and rise together, to transcendence.
Empowerment is truly a well-practiced dance.
To learn the steps, let go of perfection and give your success a chance.
Pay no mind to fear, or give doubt a glance,
create your daily flow with self-care to balance,
as you master the dance
and get lost in your success and empowerment trance.
Candice J. Frazier, Author, Certified Master Transformation Strategist
How to Become Empowered & Align with Success:
1) FOCUS. Make sure you are focused on the why not the how. Let go of fear and doubt
2) Release the pressure to change, instead, create more choices
3) Time. Time invested daily in activities that move you & your wellness forward. Patience.
4) Have fun & Be curious & Creative! This energy generates positive outcomes. Exude finesse and become it!
5) Be truthful. Trust. Speak your truth & desires to stay in your power & flow. Evaluate and realign as needed to stay on your course in your truth. Bend but do not break.
6) Understand cause and effect (Inner Thoughts & Feelings=outer life experiences)
7) Boundaries. Set & Maintain ability to say ‘No’ and not give away your power.
Saying no is not sabotage, it is essential to your survival!
8) Self-care, self-love, Positive/empowered thinking mindset
9) Celebrate your independence. Set & Revisit goals.
[email protected]
Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness!
Who is Coach Candice?
She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world.
She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment.
*Self Love Expert™️
*Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert
*Life Skills Competency Educator
*Certified Medical Assistant
*Motivational Speaker & Author
Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops
*Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit
*Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss
*Global Like Skills Ambassador
Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 https://www.parenting2pt0.org/the-global-presence/ambassadors/
*Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show