I have been looking forward to this chat for a LONG time! I love the EOM page and often share their posts on our ranch Instagram and Facebook. Join us as we chat about the perils of Facebook and is it a dying platform, the importance of Regenerative Agriculture and supporting local, sustainable and seasonal and how we can support farmers.
You can find EOM on Instagram under @EthicalOmnivoreMovement and on Facebook as EOM - Ethical Omnivore Movement AND under EOM Alliance. And the website is http://www.ethicalomnivore.org UPDATE: since recording this Instagram has deleted the EOM page, it’s back but has to start from scratch again.
"Nutritionally, human beings flourish on an ancestral diet, where eating predominantly grain free, quality meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is the focus. Food quality and mindful, INTENTFUL, eating habits result in decreased systemic inflammation, increased overall health, improved memory and decreased effects of aging.
Livestock raised according to natural laws is not only necessary to our health ... but necessary for the planet."